AVID's mission is...
Our mission is student-focused, but our work transforms the behaviors and expectations of the teachers who support the AVID student. Our mission centers on the goals our students set out to achieve.
...to close the achievement gap
At AVID, we seek to close the achievement gap by improving the performance of all students, especially those who have not traditionally succeeded in completing college entrance requirements: students who are underrepresented in four-year colleges and universities, students in the academic middle, students who are the first in their family to go to college.
...by preparing all students
A common misconception about AVID is that we focus solely on minority and low-income students. Not at all! AVID is a college readiness system that starts in elementary school. We have a schoolwide approach for elementary grades where AVID is available to ALL students. In middle and high school, we target a core population of students who enroll in an AVID elective class. As the system takes root in secondary schools, AVID gradually expands schoolwide to serve all students. AVID Postsecondary continues to support students in their efforts to earn a college degree by developing the skills needed to persist in college.
...for college readiness
Because AVID provides students with a clearly defined and delineated road map, they gain the confidence needed to pursue their dreams of college. AVID prepares students for the rigors of college, and provides them with academic skills, content knowledge, and social adaptability needed for college success.
...and success in a global society.
The AVID system empowers students by instilling in them the academic and social skills needed to successfully complete college and become responsible participants and leaders in our global society.
Our mission is student-focused, but our work transforms the behaviors and expectations of the teachers who support the AVID student. Our mission centers on the goals our students set out to achieve.
...to close the achievement gap
At AVID, we seek to close the achievement gap by improving the performance of all students, especially those who have not traditionally succeeded in completing college entrance requirements: students who are underrepresented in four-year colleges and universities, students in the academic middle, students who are the first in their family to go to college.
...by preparing all students
A common misconception about AVID is that we focus solely on minority and low-income students. Not at all! AVID is a college readiness system that starts in elementary school. We have a schoolwide approach for elementary grades where AVID is available to ALL students. In middle and high school, we target a core population of students who enroll in an AVID elective class. As the system takes root in secondary schools, AVID gradually expands schoolwide to serve all students. AVID Postsecondary continues to support students in their efforts to earn a college degree by developing the skills needed to persist in college.
...for college readiness
Because AVID provides students with a clearly defined and delineated road map, they gain the confidence needed to pursue their dreams of college. AVID prepares students for the rigors of college, and provides them with academic skills, content knowledge, and social adaptability needed for college success.
...and success in a global society.
The AVID system empowers students by instilling in them the academic and social skills needed to successfully complete college and become responsible participants and leaders in our global society.

AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a college readiness system for elementary through higher education that is designed to increase schoolwide learning and performance. The AVID College Readiness System (ACRS) accelerates student learning, uses research based methods of effective instruction, provides meaningful and motivational professional learning, and acts as a catalyst for systemic reform and change.
Source: http://www.avid.org