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Smythe Academy of Arts & Sciences Middle School

Smythe Academy of Arts & Sciences Middle School




It is the goal of Smythe Academy to assist students in their social and personal development as well as academics. The goal is to help students deal with problems and assist them to reach positive goals. When students require additional assistance the following support staff are available according to the full-time equivalent indicated in the chart.

Smythe Academy utilizes supplemental instruction, Resource Specialists, and Learning Development classes for students with special needs. A Speech & Language Therapist provides additional support outside of traditional classrooms.

Students needing assistance in learning English receive special instruction from an English Language Resource teacher and Bilingual Para-professionals. A student is classified as a fluent English speaker when he/she is able to progress in the instructional program without further language assistance.

A Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program is available for those students that qualify, where students receive challenging supplemental instruction.