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Smythe Academy of Arts & Sciences Middle School

Smythe Academy of Arts & Sciences Middle School

8th Grade Promotion

Smythe Academy of Arts and Sciences Families, 
The 2024/25 school year is quickly coming to a close, and we are busy preparing to celebrate our promoting 8th graders. Here is some information you will need for our promotion ceremony:
  • Students must have no suspensions for Education Code 48900 violations starting March 28th to participate in the promotion ceremony.
  • The ceremony will take place at Smythe Academy Middle School on Thursday, June 5th, and will begin at 9:00am.
  • Parking is available on the street on Dos Rios and Vine. Parking is very limited. Unauthorized cars parking at surrounding businesses will be towed. 
  • There are no limitations on how many guests each student can have; and you will not need a ticket to enter. Entrance to the ceremony will be limited to the gate by the parking lot. Please do not enter through the office or the main gate. 
  • After the ceremony, students will return to class to finish their school day. If you prefer to take your child with you after the ceremony, you will need to do an Early Dismissal. There will be sign out tables at the ceremony where you can sign your child out for the day and pick up promotion certificates. Please have ID ready. All students going home must be signed out. 7th grade siblings who wish to attend must be signed out by a parent and cannot be signed back in after the ceremony. 
  • Students should dress appropriately for the event. Boys: Dress clothes, jeans and a collared shirt, or school uniform. Girls: Dress clothes, jeans and a dressier top, or uniform. Please avoid low cut tops, exposed stomachs, and open backs. Any dresses must be knee length. Footwear appropriate for walking in grass. (Heels should be at least the size of a quarter.) No hats or hoods for students. 
  • Students will need to pick up their Promotion Certificates after the ceremony.
  • All students should have returned any borrowed materials, such as textbooks and athletic uniforms, and paid all library fees/fines prior to the ceremony. Students attending a TRUSD school the following year should keep their district Chromebook over the summer. 

Additionally, to participate in the end-of-the-year field trips and events, students must meet the following criteria:
  • Minimum GPA of 2.0 for the 4th quarter with no more than one F grade
  • No suspensions (including class suspensions) for the 4th quarter
  • No more than 15 tardies during the 4th quarter

Thank you, families, for all the support you have given your children to get them to this milestone. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday, June 5th. 

Casey Gong, Principal
Smythe Middle School Map